Sacajawea Elementary


Shining Stars of the Arts

We believe that children have talents in many areas outside of academics.  For a student to become a Sacajawea Shining Star, a family member and/or a mentor coaches a child in the development of a talent.

When the student feels confident and well-prepared, he/she will perform either alone or possibly in a duet.  Their audience may just be their classmates, their grade level, or they may be ready to perform at one of our Monday morning assemblies.

Families will get plenty of advance notice so the Shining Star can invite special guests (or perhaps their mentor) to the performance.

If your child has a special talent that he/she would like to polish until it shines, they can fill out a Shining Stars entry Form available in the school office.

Return all completed forms to the office and Ms. Jackson (K through 2nd grade students) or Ms. Teague (3rd through 5th grade students) will contact you to schedule your performance.