Sacajawea Elementary


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Equity tree

Equity T-Shirt Sale ends March 14

Our Equity Team produces a T-Shirt each year, featuring an equity-themed design from our own community. This year’s design was by 5th-grader, Sierra Waller. Please place orders by Friday, March 14th. Scholarships available. More information and online orders at…
Graphic of a school building

Kindergarten Tour on Jan. 29

Sacajawea Elementary Welcomes Future Kindergarten Families Wednesday, January 29 at 8:05-9:05 a.m. Join our school day tour, designed to introduce new families to our Sacajawea Community! Attend our weekly all school assembly, tour our campus during the school day and wrap up with a Q&A session with Principal Fisk. Please…
School Spirit graphic of a pom pom and a megaphone

2024/25 School Spirit Days

2024/25 School Spirit Days School Spirit Days are the first Wednesday of every month. Dress up and join the parade during lunch on stage! November 6:         Hat Day December 4:        Sparkle Day January 8:            Beach Day February 5:   …
Graphic of a group of people

Sacajawea Community Connections

Sacajawea Community Connections Here are ways to be up to date on what’s happening at Sacajawea: Sacajawea Elementary Newsletters School Year 2023-24 – Sacajawea’s weekly school newsletters are emailed to families on Thursday afternoons. Subscribe for Sacajawea PTA Updates Join Sac…
Graphic for school meals with a milk carton or juice box and a red apple

School Meals

Sacajawea Breakfast and Lunch Menu Every day SPS students are offered a nutritionally balanced breakfast and lunch! Please note: Menus are subject to change without notice. For the latest menu information, contact your school administration to connect with the school’s kitchen manager.
Graphic of a school building

Curriculum Night 9/26

Curriculum Night 9/26 Please join us for our Curriculum Night on Thursday September 26 from 6:30 to 7:15. Pre-k, kindergarten, first grade, and our 2/3 classes will be presenting from 6:30 to 6:45 in their classrooms. This will be followed by a short interlude in the cafeteria for a…
school supplies

PTA to Purchase Homeroom School Supplies for 2024-2025 School Year

PTA to Purchase Homeroom School Supplies for 2024-2025 School Year We are thrilled to announce a new initiative by our PTA that will significantly benefit our school community starting in the 2024-25 school year. For the first time, the PTA will purchase all homeroom supplies for students. This means families…
Graphic of a paper form for course registration

Start of School Forms

Graphic of a calendar

School Calendar & How to Subscribe

How to Subscribe to School and District Calendars Families can subscribe to the district and/or school website online calendars. Your personal calendars update automatically when a change is made or when a new event is added. How to subscribe: Click the calendar link(s) below: Sacajawea Elementary Calendar…
an assortment of play dough and letter block on a desk in a classroom

2024 Kindergarten Jump Start on August 19-23

Jump Start Registration for Sacajawea ElementaryJump Start Family Picnic August 23Daily Schedule for Jump StartSeptember Start of School Dates Kindergarten Jump Start 2024-25 Dear Kindergarten Families, We are happy your child will be joining us this fall at Sacajawea Elementary. We are SO excited to include your…