Sacajawea Elementary

Community Newsletter


Our Mission: Teach every student with kindness, equity, and empathy.
Our Vision: Educational justice for all.

Sacajawea Community News

May 30th, 2024

Versión en español

Principal’s Message  

Hello Sacajawea families,

I am excited to share about our upcoming PTA sponsored Arts and Science fair from 12pm to 2pm on Saturday, June 1st. Join us on the lower playground for an amazing collection of interactive events like tie-dye, half-pint puppets, button-making, and more. There will also be delicious food available including BBQ brisket, pork, hot dogs, and baked goods. All food and projects are FREE! Compliments of our PTA.

In addition, Wednesday June 5th is our next spirit day. The theme is rainbows. Students and staff are  encouraged to dress in their best rainbow colored outfits.

In partnership,

Barry Fisk

Top Items & Upcoming Events

  • Volunteer Spotlight: Principal Fisk. In this week’s edition, meet our Principal, Barry Fisk! Interview is posted below. 
  • Our Art and Science Fair is on Saturday, June 1st, 12-2pm. Lunch provided, donations accepted. Join the PTA for a fun filled event of creativity and fun! Questions or ideas? Email Karen Murphy
  • Sac Field Day is Friday, June 14th, from 12-2pm (11am set up). Races kick off at noon in field next to upper playground, followed by carnival games on upper playground for our students. We need lots of adult volunteers to make this a success! Sign up here. to volunteer. Opt-out documents for some of the activities will come home with your student in early June.
  • PTA to provide school supplies next year. This summer, you can forget about school supply shopping because the PTA has your student covered. Want to help? We could use a few volunteers to help us shop/sort. More details are available on
  • PTA Budget Proposal for 2024-2025 available for review. The PTA Budget Committee and Board have approved the proposed $103,000 budget for next year. The entire community will vote to approve this budget at our Ice Cream Social and General PTA Meeting on June 12th at 5:30pm. The proposed budget (and current budget) are available on our budget webpage.
  • Are you new to Sacajawea? Please fill out our 3-minute questionnaire by May 25th so the parent Equity Team can support your family’s needs. Kindergarten families will also receive a paper flier this week. Survey here.
  • Central and North Seattle Schools PTA Alliance (CANSSPA) Social Gathering – June 1st! Interested in the equitable distribution of resources across Seattle schools, advocacy efforts for public education, or community building? Join CANSSPA on Saturday June 1st  at 3pm at Fremont Brewing (1050 N. 34th St)! See flyer for details and email with questions.
  • We need your help! We have many 2024-2025 PTA and school volunteer spots that need filling, and most require only a few hours per month. We have recently updated page. Detailed descriptions are on our PTA volunteering page. with featured opportunities below.

Sacajawea Spotlight: Principal Fisk

This week we interviewed Principal Fisk. Thanks, Mr. Fisk, for sharing a bit about yourself and contributing to our community!

  1. Can you share a little bit about you and your family, and how you ended up at Sacajawea?

I am married to a beautiful, funny and smart woman (Julia) and have two amazing young adult children (Rosie and Cole). I live with Julia and a menagerie of animals including our bulldog Penny, three turtles, countless fish and twelve chickens.

We also have two crows who have decided that we are responsible for feeding them which may have been a mistake on our part.

After classroom teaching for ten years, I decided to pursue a Master of Education with administrative focus. When it came time to find a placement for my principal internship a friend of mine recommended connecting with Rachel Friesen the previous principal at Sacajawea.

After completing that I spent 3 and a half years as an assistant principal in Federal Way. When Rachel went on long term leave she called me to see if I could cover for her at Sacajawea and of course I said yes. The rest, as they say, is history.

  1. You do so much at Sacajawea! Can you share more about your volunteering/position within our community?

It would be hard to list all the things that I do as a principal. To list just a few,  I facilitate professional development for and coach and evaluate teachers, support and guide students in their academic and social emotional growth, and act as an advocate and spokesperson for the school community.

  1. What sparked your interest in becoming a school principal?

I think that children are the most important asset for building a better future for the world and teaching is how we can support their creativity and optimism. That creativity and optimism that children have is what gives me hope for the future. As a principal, I have the opportunity to lead that work and hopefully make the world a little bit better than it was when I came into it.

  1. What are some of your favorite hobbies or interests (or can be favorite book, movie, etc)? Or something that many people don’t know about you that you’d like to share?

I like to read, lift weights, play basketball, and hike. One of my favorite books is Born to Run by Christopher McDougall. My favorite kid-friendly movie is Up. Many people may not know that I am originally from Boston Massachusetts.

  1. What is your favorite thing about the Sacajawea community?

My favorite thing is the way the staff, students and community make everyone feel welcome and special. I am proud to be part of such an inclusive place that honors and values everyone’s voice.