2024 Kindergarten Jump Start on August 19-23

Kindergarten Jump Start 2024-25
Dear Kindergarten Families,
We are happy your child will be joining us this fall at Sacajawea Elementary. We are SO excited to include your family in the Sacajawea Community! To get ready for kindergarten, we invite your student to come to Jump Start this summer. Students will meet the teachers, learn class routines, and tour the school. Transportation will NOT be provided.
- Date/time: Monday, August 19 – Friday, August 23 at 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
- Location: Sacajawea Elementary School, 9501 20th Ave. NE
- Cost: FREE!
Please don’t send a snack, lunch or backpack with your child. These become big distractions the first few days and we want children to be able to focus on getting to know their classmates, teachers and school.
Jump Start Registration for Sacajawea Elementary
Before you register for Jump Start, you must enroll your child with Seattle public Schools
- Please email Ms. Keene for Jump Start Registration Form dlkeene@seattleschools.org
- Student Health Concerns – If your child has a serious health concern requiring medication at school or a school-based health plan, please send your child’s Individualized Health Plan and Authorization for Medication forms to Sacajawea. If help is needed with this, please call SPS Health Services at 206-252-0750.
Jump Start Family Picnic August 23
- Date/time: Friday, August 23, 2024 at 12 p.m.
- Location: Sacajawea Park
We invite all K families and other students new to Sacajawea this year to join us on the last day of Jump Start! Bring a blanket or something to sit on and your family lunch when you pick up your child and join us to eat outside and meet other students and families. The K teachers and PTA families will be outside too.
Daily Schedule for Jump Start
Daily Jump Start Schedule will include the following activities:
- Sign-in – Families sign in students at tables on the lower playground and wait for K teachers. This is also where you should come to pick-up your child at 12 p.m.
- Circle Time – We’ll learn how we sit/stand in our own space, sing
- songs, listen to stories, practice raising hands, taking turns, etc.
- Learning Activities – Children rotate through various academic and social activities, and school tours
- Choice Time – Children learn social and play skills through choice activities.
- Snack – Snack WILL be provided. Please do not send snack or a lunchbox from home. If your child has special dietary needs please let us know.
- Recess – Learn playground rules, structured activities, and free-play.
Jump Start Sign out and Pick up
For Parents – At 9:05 on Tuesday, August 20, Parents will meet for a short time with Principal Fisk. This will be time to meet other Kindergarten families, ask questions, and just get to know each other.
September Start of School Dates
- September 4-6 (W/Th/F):
- Family Connection Visits (1-on-1 family & teacher 30-minute meetings)
- Each family will meet with their K teacher-students will be assigned to teachers before the family meetings, and we will call or email you to set up a meeting time.
- NO school for kindergartners.
- September 9 (Monday): First Day of School for kindergarten students!
Looking forward to a year of learning and joy!
Sacajawea Kindergarten Team