BLT – Building Leadership Team
Sacajawea BLT – Building Leadership Team
Sacajawea Elementary School BLT Norms and Bylaws
Mission Statement
The mission of the Sacajawea Elementary Building Leadership Team is to address:
- Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
- Professional Development based on the CSIP
- Budget matters related to the CSIP
- Decision Making Matrix
In keeping with the spirit of mutual cooperation and respect, the Building Leadership Team will consist of teacher representatives from K/1, 2/3 and 4/5 general education classrooms, the Racial Equity Team, specialists, classified staff, special education continuum services, Teacher Leadership Cadre, a preschool representative, a K-2 parent, a 3-5 parent and administration SAEOP representative when available. When relevant issues arise, the BLT will make an effort to consult with appropriate members of the broader community.
The Sacajawea Building Leadership Team shall conduct its business based on the issues at hand with a specific focus on student learning and instructional practice following norms of collaboration
- Equity lens
- Actively speak out
- Goal focused
- Let all voices be heard
- Establish and honor time
- Safe space
Membership [from SPS Contract]
The Building Leadership Team…shall consist of at least:
- The principal/supervisor and
- 2) Five (5) elected SEA-represented staff. One of the five (5) elected seats will be designated for and voted upon by classified SEA-represented staff. If the BLT exceeds 7 SEA members, representation of classified staff should at a minimum be two, ideally one paraprofessional and one SAEOP.
- To the extent possible, the Building Leadership Team will reflect the [Diverse] composition of the school/program staff and school community. the Building Leadership Team must be selected by a process that is supported by the SEA-represented staff at the school. The structure of the BLT will be reviewed with the staff each year. The documents created will be provided to the SEA and Executive Director of Schools with a copy forwarded to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources.
It shall be the responsibility of each representative to gather input from constituents and to represent the interests of his/her group as well as his/her own views. Input from colleagues shall be obtained from colleagues at regularly scheduled meetings, and via e-mail.
Members of the Sacajawea Elementary Building Leadership Team shall assume the following roles and responsibilities in order to make meetings more effective. Members of the BLT shall assume each of these roles for the duration of the school year.
- Facilitator
Remains neutral to the content; refrains from dominating the meeting
Clarifies role with group
Focuses group energy; Directs processes
Encourages everyone to participate
Protects participants and ideas from attack
Contributes to agenda planning
Elicits clarity regarding meeting follow-up
Ensures use of the Decision Making Matrix
Tests consensus
Keeps group on task
Publishes agenda to all staff and BLT members in advance
- Timekeeper
Monitors the time per discussion
Keeps group on task
- Recorder
Remains neutral while recording content
Supports facilitator
Records basic ideas
Keeps eyes on charts
Clarifies items for recording
After the meeting types the minutes including action steps
- Conscientious Representative (All BLT Members)
Discusses upcoming issues with stakeholders
Represents views of stakeholders in BLT meetings and votes
Uses/Facilitates multiple avenues of communication to keep others informed
Facilitates use of Decision Making Matrix
- Engaged Participant (All in attendance)
Monitors own adherence to meeting standards
Encourages everyone to participate
Sets and test working agreements
Seeks and provides data
Clarifies decision-making processes and levels of authority
Opens the door for others to speak
Listens for understanding
Is conscious of own assumptions and knowledge
BLT WorkGroups
In 2018, our BLT began organizing ourselves into workgroups in order to accomplish several important tasks. Workgroups can be added or removed as needed with BLT consensus. For 2022-23, our work groups are:
Plans Summer retreat and how we will train new members on BLT roles, responsibilities and procedures. This group may attend district BLT trainings.
PD Planning
Annual plan for PD
– Purple Days
– Collaborate with Equity Team on Green/EOG
– Job embedded/overall plan
Look at overall plan for coordination and consistency
Would love to see this group in a stronger role farther ahead so we can be planned out several months. Connect PD to building initiatives and needs.
Assist in determining CSIP goals for proposal to staff and BLT. Assist in analyzing data to determine our steps and success level. Assist in revisions for annual CSIP process.
Help determine budget priorities and scenarios. Most active December – March.
Master Schedule
Determine and propose annual master schedule consistent with student needs.
Organization of Meetings
The Sacajawea Building Leadership Team Facilitator shall communicate with the administrator prior to the meeting to identify district or school issues and concerns that need to be discussed at the meeting. Each representative presents agenda items elicited from their team. Discussion and recommendations follow the presentation. A designated note-taker takes minutes of the meeting on a rotating basis and makes the minutes available to all staff and community members.
Meeting Agenda
The Sacajawea BLT has an open-agenda system with items prioritized by members. The agenda is approved in advance of each meeting and each item is considered according to its importance. Between BLT meetings, members will keep track of agenda items brought to them by their constituents and will communicate them to the principal. On the Wednesday prior to each meeting, the facilitator will consult with the principal and will publish a draft agenda for members and staff to review. The Agenda will include an opportunity for summarizing and synthesizing at the end of the meeting, and the agenda format, with an added section to track action items, will provide a framework for the note-taker.
Meeting Schedule
The Sacajawea Building Leadership Team shall meet 2 times per month. Meetings are scheduled on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 2:45 – 3:45 PM, unless pre-empted by holidays, district or school events. Emergency meetings of the BLT may be held, if necessary. All meetings are open to public and are held in the school. An annual BLT retreat will be held each summer. This may be held off campus, but is still open to the public.
Decision Making
The BLT will strive for consensus around the recommendations we bring to the staff and will follow the Sacajawea Decision Making Matrix and Flow Chart. In order for an item/issue or action to be decided upon, a quorum must be present at the Building Leadership Team meeting. The minimum number of members in attendance must be five (5).
Record Keeping
It shall be the responsibility of the Sacajawea Building Leadership Team to retain, within the school building, records of its meetings and actions for a period of six (6) years, after which these records shall be forwarded to Seattle School District Archives. These records will include agendas and minutes of meetings, and any other pertinent business of the BLT. These will be kept electronically on Sharepoint, and will be updated by the note-taker after each meeting, sent out to all staff, and posted to our website.
Proposed changes to the Sacajawea Building Leadership Team Bylaws must be presented to the BLT for discussion and in writing. The proposed changes would then be discussed and would be accepted or rejected by consensus or majority decision of the BLT members.