Sacajawea Community News 12/12/2024
Our Mission: Teach every student with kindness, equity, and empathy.
Our Vision: Educational justice for all.
Dec. 12th, 2024
Principal’s Letter
Hello Sacajawea families,
I hope everyone is staying warm as winter approaches and the holiday break nears.
We have had a couple of exciting Wednesday morning assemblies this month. Last week, students and staff dressed in their best sparkly outfits for our second Spirit Day, and Student Council representatives sang and gave out pencils and stars to celebrate our September and October birthday students. Yesterday, we had our first Shining Star student performance. One of our brave and talented third-grade students did an amazing dance to the tune of Billy Jean.
If you can stop by and join us for one or more of our Wednesday morning assemblies, I highly recommend it.
In partnership,
Barry Fisk (he/him)
Principal, Sacajawea Elementary
Key Items This Week
- Last Chance to help us complete the Sac Directory. Each year, our PTA compiles a paper directory of contact information for our parents and families. If you submitted your details when you joined the PTA, you’re good to go. If you haven’t joined the PTA or want to share your information
- Mobile food pantry on Dec. 18th. FamilyWorks is bringing their Mobile Food Pantry to Nathan Hale on Dec. 18th from 2:30-3:15 pm! Stop by the FamilyWorks Food Truck, parked by the football field, for a free bag of groceries after school! Fresh produce and perishable items are available.
- Jump into Fitness this Winter! In gym class, we’ve been focusing on jump rope skills—great for heart health, lung strength, and agility! Jump ropes are easy to pack and perfect for small outdoor spaces. Want to borrow one over winter break? Email smbunker@seattleschools.org, and we’ll send one home with your student!
- New volunteering requests. Help shape our school community as a BLT Rep, Move-a-Thon Co-Lead, Auction/Dinner Co-Lead, or Fundraising Co-Chair. Flexible time commitments, great support, and a chance to make a difference! Details below.
Volunteering Requests
Current Needs
If you’re interested in any of these positions, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Charlene Shanahan cyshanahan@seattleschools.org.
BLT (Building Leadership Together) Rep: (~2 hours a month) Participate in a monthly meeting with the BLT group and trade-off with other parent Reps to give updates at PTA meetings. Members of the BLT represent various stakeholders in our school community and help with decision-making regarding budget, Sac’s Continuous School Improvement Plan, and Professional Development. Each member stays on the BLT for two years. This position works closely with teachers and principal.
Move-a-Thon Co-Lead: (~3 hrs a week during the month before the event) Coordinate our big school day and online fundraiser! (With help from past leads and Move-A-Thon committee) Lead the committee for event execution (theme, decorations, setup, sponsorship packets, refreshments, etc.) Update the online sponsorship platform, prepare race bibs to keep track of laps, and enter all final info into the online system. (It usually occurs in October, but this year, the event will happen in the spring.)
Online Auction/Community Dinner Co-Leads:(~3-4 hrs a week during the month before the event) Coordinate the Online Auction and Community Dinner. We have leads who have done this in the past and are here to help. Also, open to new ideas!
Fundraising Co-Chair: (~2 hrs a month) Plans annual fundraising strategy for PTA, typically supports three major fundraisers per year (Move-a-Thon, Direct Ask, Auction). Report to the PTA board and membership at regular intervals on fundraising progress