Sacajawea Elementary

Student Family Portal
Community Newsletter


Our Mission: Teach every student with kindness, equity, and empathy.
Our Vision: Educational justice for all.

Sacajawea Community News

Oct.24th, 2024

Hello Sacajawea Families,

We introduced our new Student Council members at our assembly on Wednesday. We will hold a monthly meeting where council members will share their ideas for making Sacajawea Elementary the best it can be. Council members also help lead assemblies and make important schoolwide announcements.

Our first Spirit Day, Hat Day, is Wednesday, November 6. We look forward to seeing all the fabulous hats that our students and staff choose to wear.

Next Thursday is Halloween, and our students are very excited. In the interest of equity and keeping things appropriate for school, costumes are not allowed. However, Halloween-related, non-costume clothing (T-shirts, etc.) is acceptable. If your child would like to dress for the day, please help us by ensuring their outfit isn’t a costume and isn’t clothing that distracts from learning or is inappropriate for school. We encourage anyone interested in dressing up to wear orange and black colors.

In partnership,
Barry Fisk (he/him)
Sacajawea Elementary

Key Items This Week

Clothing donations needed. Our nurse’s office needs clothing donations! We’re specifically looking for leggings or sweatpants (for both boys and girls), as well as socks and underwear in all sizes. Donations can be sent in with your child or dropped off at the front office. Thank you!

Sacajawea t-shirts on sale now. We have beautiful new Sac t-shirts and hoodies for sale until November 8th. The design by Sac parent Chad Pfarr features the beautiful patterns and tapestries found throughout South America, which is our continental focus for this year. Scholarships are available, too. Details and ordering on Sacajawea PTA Website.

Sacajawea Picture Day, Tuesday, October 29th. Grey Sky Productions will be back to photograph all students for school records and the yearbook. Pre-order your photos online or pick up a paper order form in the office. Missed the pre-order? Photos will be available in the online gallery about three weeks after Picture Day.

Heritage Harvest Potluck is TONIGHT. Join Sacajawea’s Racial Equity Team at the Heritage Harvest Potluck in the Sac cafeteria. Please RSVP and sign up to bring a favorite family dish to share (or just come eat). We need your help to make this event a success!