Sacajawea Elementary

Advanced Learning

Advanced Learning Plans – Grade 2

Advanced Learning Plans – Grade 2

Reading: Advanced learners will be challenged by reading above grade level in small groups and individually with teachers. They will read independently and respond to their reading through writing and other activities: story maps, summaries, opinion statements, book reports, time-lines, research projects, art projects readers? theater, recording stories on tape and much more.

Writing: In Writer?s Workshop, individual conferencing with teachers will focus on building specific skills to help students improve their skills while building confidence in their writing abilities.

Math: “Walk to Math” in second grade affords ALO students opportunities to be challenged at their personal instructional level. Student math skills are used to make similar ability groups among all second grade students. Students who master a skill are given challenge activities to strengthen their understanding and mastery.

Science: ALO students are challenged to back their statements and opinions with facts and explain their thinking. A focus on the scientific process, conducting fair tests, understanding constants and variables in experiments, quality predictions and detailed reporting of observations helps students become quality scientists.